NECINA 5G Technology Conference - 10/19
Venue: Hilton Boston/Woburn, Ballroom, 3rd floor, 2 Forbes Rd, Woburn, MA 01801
Time: 8:30 AM – 12:30PM, Saturday, October 19, 2019
Cost: Free to NECINA and VIP guests, $25 non NECINA members
Online Registration required:
NECINA member can get a free ticket by using your own email, the one that you used for NECINA member registration.
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What is 5G?
5G technology is about next-generation cellular network. Starting in 2019, 5G is being launched across the whole world. With the cutting-edge technology and modern research, 5G are able to offer connections that are multitudes faster than current 4G connections. It is expected to have an average download speed of 1GBps. Although the dramatic speed improvement is an outstanding feature of 5G technology, its impact goes far beyond just speed, providing a wide range of innovative changes such as the Internet of Things, where 5G acts as the infrastructure to make transporting a large amount of data available and hence a more connected world.
Key Features of 5G
There is a wide range of features coming with 5G and the main ones are:
Faster Speed – 5G is said to be much faster than 4G and some are saying like 100 times faster. This would mean the ability to download a full HD movie in under 10 seconds on a 5G network
Lower Latency - We’ll see much less delay or lag when we’re using our phones and other devices. With 4G networks, latency is typically around 40-50 milliseconds. With 5G it should be 1 millisecond or less, which is undetectable to the user.
Greater Capacity - 5G will be able to cope better with many high-demand applications all at once - from connected cars and IoT (Internet of Things) devices to VR.
Why Do You Need to Care About 5G?
Because everyone talks about it and it will be a continuing trend for the next decade.
5G as one of the hottest topics out there have overwhelmed various kinds of technology media and it is being discussed at every corner by all kinds of people in the world. Public has been getting used to the lightening development of Network and Mobile Communication technology. 4G has been around for more than 10 years, it is time for a breakthrough. Besides, thanks to the trade war between US and China, Huawei, who does research and development of 5G technology, has been pushed to the cusp of general opinion. With regarding to that, 5G has been considered as a possible industry for China to step ahead of the world, or even lead the world.
Whenever a new technology comes out, there will be voices against it and argument always makes crowd. Whether it is just a next gimmick or another David Copperfield show, or will it bring harm to people’s brain, those talk will very likely raise other people’s interest. Yet, more often than not, rumors are spreading widely based on the limited information. Plenty of the discussion are more on the small-talk side, which haven’t touched the core of it. There are some essential elements are usually overlooked, such as:
What is the fundamental difference between 5G and 4G? Is it just an increase in speed?
We know that we can’t really say it is an innovation change from 3G to 4G, so will 5G be another advancement of such, or it is indeed an innovation?
What change will 5G impact on each one of us as an individual?
By the moment 5G is deployed and in use, which company will benefit from it? Will there be any new innovative company coming to the stage to shake the technology industry?
What is the progress of China’s 5G technology? Will it stand out from other competitors?
How will the network security trend be in the 5G era?
Want to know more about 5G? Come to join our conference and get connected with others.
NECINA 5G technology conference will start with an overview of 5G technology and its impact to our life by serial entrepreneur, NECINA co-founder Mr. Wufu Chen. After that, Vice President of PTC Mr. Ben Tao will host a fireside chat with VC veteran Mr. Brian Clark from M/C Partner on how to separate trend from hype as well as how winning investors take on the 5G opportunities and avoid traps. After coffee break, Dr. Yang Cao from Parallel Wireless will present the 5G technology development and IoT applications. Lastly, Dr. Huamin Chen from Red Hat’s CTO office will discuss key developments in 5G, IoT, and MEC, with a focus on open source based system architecture, software development, and customer application deployment.
Sponsor opportunities are available. Contact for inquiry.
8:30 – 9:00 AM Registration open. Sponsor booth open
9:00 – 9:05 AM Open remark by NECINA
9:05 – 9:45 AM Keynote speech: “5G technology and impact to our life” by Mr. Wufu Chen.
9:45 – 10:20 AM Fireside chat: “5G Trends and Investment Landscape” Mr. Brian Clark (parter of M/C Partners), host by Mr. Ben Tao (VP of PTC)
10:20 – 10: 40 AM Coffee Break
10:40 – 11:25 AM Presentation “5G Technology and IoT development” by Dr. Yang Cao (VP of Parallel Wireless)
11:25 – 12:00 PM Presentation “Introduction of key developments in 5G, IoT, and MEC” by Dr. Huaming Chen (Principle at Red Hat, CTO office)
12:00 – 1:00 PM Networking, Sponsor Business Showcase
1:00PM All meeting activities Wrap-up.
Founded in 1996, NECINA is a premier non-profit organization for entrepreneurs and high-tech professionals that innovate and build their success through global information exchange and local professional networking, through continuous learning of new technologies and business best practices, and through embracing and accelerating technology innovations.
About NECINA’s Conference Program
NECINA has organized hundreds of business and technical conferences and events since its founding. NECINA covers advanced technologies with profound impact on our lives. The topics of past conferences include AI, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Digital transformation in Healthcare, IoT, BlockChain and Fintech. Our technical conferences have consistently attracted hundreds of entrepreneurs, investors, and high-tech professionals throughout New England. Our former speakers include Dean of MIT Sloan School of Management, Chairman and CEO of Qihoo 360, Chairman and President of Oriza Holdings, Partners of Atlas Venture, President of IEEE, CEO of TripAdvisor.